Friday, January 18, 2013

Did You Hear about the Double Suicide of the Belgian Twins?

Marc and Eddy Verbessem were deaf and going blind, so they decided to end it all. It's a sad affair, especially when you consider the likelihood of a very hot destination that awaits an unrepentant suicide who is in his right mind. In a splendid article, James Thunder addressed the situation comparing their decision with the life of another deaf and blind person, Helen Keller.
Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, and Assisted Suicide 

For a video about the case go here. Belgium and Holland are the two countries that have legalized assisted suicide. In Holland the elderly are afraid to go to the hospital. After all, when some lives are considered not worth living and doctors are killers is any sick person safe? A friend of mine with a terminal illness had a blockage several months ago and a doctor in Winchester basically wrote her off telling her, "Well you've fought a good fight." He made the decision surgery was useless, but she didn't feel that way and fortunately has another doctor who agreed. Is she afraid to die? Not this lady! She is cheerful and smiling and keeps aggressively fighting her disease, not out of fear, but from all appearances to continue her vocation of prayer. Despite her illness she is at morning Mass most days and still keeps her 2-3 a.m. hour of adoration along with her faithful, non-Catholic husband who drives her over the mountain to church. It is obvious to all who know her that her love of God and union with Christ's suffering gives her the will to live every moment as a precious opportunity to know, love, and serve God. When you recognize that your life belongs to God, killing yourself is not an option and you may even have the courage to welcome your suffering. We are not our own masters! We do not own ourselves. Our creator is the one with the right over life and death -- not us! These men had a purpose and a future. It's sad that no one helped them to see it.

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