Thursday, January 24, 2013

Male Chauvinist Pig Celebrates Roe v. Wade...

....the biggest cop-out for an irresponsible man that every came down the pike. "Hey, my sweet little sex object, you can ALWAYS get an abortion." This is the slickest of the sickies! Many women testify they felt "violated" by the ad. As well they should. As for Mehcad Brooks, he's a misogynist who wants women in their place -- the abortion mill. And all those babies he's addressing? Their tiny bloody bodies are in the sewers and landfills.


  1. The death of civilization as it has been known in the West. The scum shall inherit the earth apparently ... at least in the short term.

  2. This man is a real Snake in the Garden. All women would be wise to stay as far away from him and those like him as far as possible. One man such as this tried to sell me marijuana one time, but I did not fall for it. I knew his motives -- get them hooked on drugs and then pimp them out and ruin their lives. If the woman is white, it is called white slavery, but it is true slavery for any woman whatever her color.
