Thursday, January 31, 2013

Six Year Old "Criminal" Gets Expelled: More Public School Goofiness!

This is what liberalism leads to: nuttiness. The "gun" sounds like the kind of water pistols we have in our pool for the kids to play with -- "clear plastic." What is in the mind of an adult to expell a six-year-old, ban her from school property, and threaten her with arrest if she dares to set a toe on school grounds even when her parents pick up their other children. Good grief! Can you imagine the hysteria if a child made a "look alike" gun out of his hand and aimed at the teacher? They'd probably wrestle the kid to the ground and put him in handcuffs! Two thumbs down to the South Carolina school district. If I were the teacher of that Kindergarten class, I would have taken the gun from the child and sent a note home to the parents explaining that they aren't allowed in school and asking them to pick it up. And that would be the end of it. Does no one have any common sense any more?


  1. Nope! Don't you know as i have said before that common sense went out in the 60's. How else would people even be mentioning such insanity as "marriage" between two men or two women. Common sense is not so common any more. Next they will be telling us that men should be able to marry their daughters and women their sons since defective children can be aborted. If one can kill one's own children before they are born, it is sure tootin that some immoral people will do and approve anything, no matter how evil.

  2. Regarding my last post, though, there IS hope for this country as most of this evil is put through by decadent politicians and not by the vote of the public. Now if the public will only get wise and stop looking for hand outs from politicians -- which most often come with too high a price -- and stop voting for the evil people and vote for the good ones when there are any. No one is perfect, but as Archbisop Sheen wrote in "Way to Inner Peace","The good sometimes do wrong. Let us face it. And when they do wrong it is not the same as when the evil do wrong. Evil is an exception in the life of the good; it cuts across their long life as a tangent. But with the evil,good is an exception." He goes on to write, "The good want their sins forgiven, the evil wants them explained away."

  3. These are, after all, the same kind of people who call the cops on kids who wet their pants "deliberately," or fart disruptively in class, or suspend a six-year-old boy for "sexual harassment" because he inadvertently put his hand on a female teacher's chest.

  4. I suppose we should be grateful she didn't bring a cap gun, else the SWAT team would have been out in force. This happened in Silver Spring and the parents are bringing legal action. I hope this girl's family does the same. To think that these nitwits are in charge of public education.
