Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hear, Hear for Bishop Vasa!

Just the other day I mentioned to a friend that no one should be hired to teach in a Catholic school without affirming a commitment to the doctrines of the faith. And lo and behold that is exactly what Bishop Robert Vasa is doing in Santa Rosa. Last year he required catechism teachers to affirm their loyalty and now he has done the same for the 200 teachers in Catholic schools in the diocese who must sign or leave their posts at the end of this school year. The liberal press is not, shall we say, enthusiastic about the bishop's efforts to promote the authentic Catholic faith. (When has the liberal press EVER had anything good to say about the Catholic Church?) Fr. Z has reprinted an article from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat along with some interesting commentary.

Will you join me in sending Bishop Vasa a message of support? What a joy it is to find a bishop serious about his obligation to teach, govern, and sanctify and especially to safeguard the faith of the young. If you would like to say thank you to Bishop Vasa the diocese's contact information is here. You can email a very brief message or write a longer one. And please pray for this good bishop who has so often been in the forefront when it comes to witnessing to the authentic Catholic faith. May a red hat be in his future!

1 comment:

  1. I love Bishops Vasa. I had the privilege of sitting next to him for a week at a conferance. At that time, I did not know what a great bishops he was, but I do know he prayed for my cat and a miracle cccured.
    He had the same or similar Affirmation of Faith in Diocese of Bend. I made a copy from their website and asked my bishop if we could have here as we have much heterocox teaching in the Diocese, but nothing came of it.
    I shall write him.
