Thursday, February 7, 2013

It May Be Cold, but There are Signs of Spring!

The little goldfinches in their brown winter coats are beginning to get a hint of yellow!

The daffodils are poking up.

Buds on the trees are swelling.

Yup, I do believe Spring will come again this year. Thank you, dear Lord, for the changing seasons and the bursting forth of new life to remind us of your faithfulness and love.


  1. Mary Anne
    What do you know about Father Robert Barron's series on Catholicism--a set of DVD's. we have a good traditional parish with no nonsense but the new curate wants to use these disks for "adult education" and I am suspicious. My sister is this pro-LCWR Vatican II type loon and her parish used the program. I am trying to find out more about this before I speak up

  2. I have seen bits of the series and it's very beautiful and well done from what I've seen.

    I have, however, also come across some problematic statements that indicate modernist theology. He does not believe that Adam and Eve were real people which makes a hash out of Church teachings on original sin. Here are a few links to check out for yourself. And let us remember to pray without ceasing for our priests.
