Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mike Huckabee on Newtown Shooting

Don't you wish this man was the president? Have we already asked God "to excuse himself" and mind his own business again while we continue on with business as usual?


  1. Senator Huckabee is right on as usual.

  2. Thankfully..there's someone still willing to stand up and say what needs saying. +

  3. My daughter is in a parish in the Archdiocese of Washington dc and her new pastor only allots 20 minutes for confession each week. (on Saturday afternoon). After quizzing the pastor about this - because she was not able to go to confession one week - (she was one of the people left standing when the 20 minute allotment was over), he told her that he was not going to sit in the confessional for an hour waiting while no one showed up.

    She would like to make a complaint to someone at the Archdiocese of D.C. - Do you know what office or person would be appropriate or responsive?

  4. Apparently she has already talked to the pastor. Did he really leave with people in line? Wow! I would go straight to the bishop with a copies to the chancellor and whoever is in charge of the sacraments - we have a diocesan liturgist in VA. I would send the letter registered mail, return receipt requested. That way you almost guarantee a response. And I would copy it to the pastor. I would make the letter short, unemotional, and respectful with her gentyl pointing out the pastor's unresponsiveness and asking what parishioners should do when the sacrament of confession is made so little available. The pastor will likely be angry, but too bad. What is he doing with his time instead? Playing computer games? If your daughter doesn't get a satisfactory answer, the next step is a complaint to the Apostolic Nuncio. Although, for the sake of her soul, a more satisfactory answer may be to flee that irresponsible priest and go where a good one is. I can't think he is giving any decent advice in the confessional. It might mean he had to sit there another 90 seconds.

  5. Thank you for your private message, Anonymous. I'm glad the information was helpful. Your daughter will be in my prayers and all the other parishioners across t.he country who suffer from priests who lack zeal for the faith and love for their parishioners. I hope all Catholic laity will use Lent to pray hard for priests. I think they all have special force devils assigned to them since their role as guardians and teachers of the faith can bring so many souls to God. Satan no doubt has them constantly under assault.
