Friday, March 15, 2013

Enjoy Atheist Penn Jillette... he puts heretical Catholic, Piers Morgan, to shame.

An atheist can be a truth seeker and this man obviously is one. He respects the internal consistency of Catholic orthodoxy. His logic is impeccable. If we believe that the Holy Spirit speaks through the Church, then Catholics (Take note, Piers!) MUST accept what is defined as doctrine. To do otherwise is, as Jillette points out, the position of Martin Luther. So be consistent, Piers. Either stop dissenting and be a real Catholic or go join a Protestant sect. ECUSA (Episcopal Church USA) would fit you nicely and it's strongly linked to the Brits' collapsing Anglican Church. 

Pray for Penn Jillette! His defense of the Church in the video deserves our thanks!


  1. Piers Morgan gets on my nerves. He hardly ever lets others speak, but Penn held his own. Bravo!

  2. Wow! That was a great video. Now we just need to get all of the other Catholics that believe as Morgan does to watch it. Thanks for posting this!

  3. I love it. I will pray for both of them. I nave even heard Jewish people defend the Catholic Church, especially the moral teachings, better than some Catholics, such as Piers Morgan. Pray for the conversion of our Jewish brethren also.

  4. A correction to my post March 18 at 6:48 PM. It should read "I have even heard", not "I nave even heard". I think everyone figured that out already, but I just thought I would clear it up for sure.
