Monday, March 25, 2013

Get Ready for Another Roe v. Wade...

...mandating legalization of same sex sodomy as "marriage." Oh yes, we all have a right to define marriage to be whatever we say it is and the Supreme Court is reviewing two cases that could result in  the Roe case for homosexuals who want to play house and call it marriage. The first case is Hollingsworth v. Perry seeking to overturn California's Proposition 8 banning same-sex "marriage." Of course, the Supreme Court in the past had no trouble overturning the will of the people and making their votes irrelevant. They used the "penumbra" of the Constitution to do it and we all know they can find anything they want there to legislate from the bench. The second case relates to the Defense of Marriage Act, a piece of federal legislation protecting marriage that Obama very publicly refused to enforce. So, here we are again, with the courts addressing a moral issue, a sin, that "cries to heaven for vengeance." How will they decide? I'm not optimistic, but perhaps it just means they bring us closer to the day of judgment. As Padre Pio said, "Pray, hope, and don't worry." And remember that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." Keep loving the Lord and loving your neighbor and all will be well no matter how bad things look!

What are the cases all about?

Ahead of Supreme Court Arguments, Sunday News Shows Favor Gay Marriage Supporters

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is thank you for being a sane voice in an insane world!
