Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Scandal Continues: Biden and Pelosi Committed Sacrilege at Papal Mass

Well, the White House has confirmed it: Pelosi and Biden went to Communion sacrilegiously at the papal installation Mass. (Huffington Post article.) What I found especially hypocritical, however, was Cardinal Wuerl's statement:
Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, part of the conclave that elected Francis, has said he would offer Pelosi communion despite her views on abortion because he didn't believe communion should be used as a weapon. "We never -– the Church just didn't use Communion this way. It wasn't a part of the way we do things, and it wasn't a way we convinced Catholic politicians to appropriate the faith and live it and apply it; the challenge has always been to convince people," Wuerl said in a 2010 interview. His position would logically extend to Biden. The vice president's bishop, Francis Malooly of Wilmington, Del., has also said he would not deny communion to Biden.
Denying Communion to a public heretic (a person who denies at least one doctrine of the Church)
is not using the Eucharist as "a weapon." It is exercising Church law articulated in Canon Law 915. It shows concern for the soul of the person who is heaping up mortal sin on mortal sin which does several things to the unfortunate soul, i.e., makes it harder to repent, increases the moral debt of the soul so to speak, creates grave scandal when the heretic is a public figure which merits a "millstone," etc. Biden and Pelosi parade their "Catholic" credentials while they give the finger to Catholic doctrine.

Cardinal Wuerl shows little concern for his Washington, D.C. political flock when he announces he will never refuse to let them crucify Christ by unworthy reception His body and blood. Did Christ die for pro-abortion Catholic politicians? Of course. Does He want them to pile up one mortal sin of sacrilege after another? Hardly!

Frankly, I am sorely grieved at the lack of pastoral care bishops like Wuerl have toward these outrageous public sinners. He appears to care more for human respect and his own place in the halls of power than for their eternal salvation. He is like a father who buys his drug-addicted son the next fix instead of loving him enough to say no, because he doesn't want to alienate his son.

When I see Cardinal Wuerl's cowardice (What else can it be?) I think of his foils, bishops like Rene Gracida (bishop emeritus of Corpus Christi) who is a model of pastoral concern and courage when it comes to warning "obstinate public sinners" to refrain from Communion. (See a case study describing how Bishop Gracida put a Catholic politician under interdict.) Why should Biden and Pelosi and others of their ilk repent? Why should they even believe that Christ is present in the Eucharist? There certainly doesn't appear to be much evidence that their bishops believe it. If they did, would they, like Judas, turn Christ over to them to be crucified again? That's exactly what they do when they give Jesus to heretics.

Cardinal Wuerl and other bishops of his ilk illustrate clearly why the Church in the U.S. is in such a mess. They care less about scandalizing the hoi polloi in the pews than hobnobbing with the rich and powerful. Is it any wonder saints lamented that the floor of hell is littered with bishops' skulls and mitres? Sad!


  1. Much prayer is needed on this topic....and these Bishops no better, surly they do but WHY do they insist on giving these public figures communion are they afraid they will be presecuted or even worse....why do we do proclaim the TRUTH and the complete TRUTH...yes the corriders of Hell are paved with the skulls of Bishops ...God have mercy on them.

  2. Dear Mary Ann, These prelates will be responsible to God for not caring for the souls of those who not only are publicly sinning by upholding abortion, but going to Communion in an unworthy state AND causing scandal.

    John Chrysostom stated that the road to hell is paved with the skulls of priests. I wonder why?

    It is not cowardice, it is complicity. These priests, including the cardinal, may not believe in hell, or worse, they may not believe in the Real Presence. Here is my bit on this...

  3. You are right on this one, Mary Ann, it is unbelievable enabling on the part of some bishops, just as Senator Portman is enabling his son to do wrong. It is time for the Serenity Prayer; "God grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, oourage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as the pathway to peacr, taking as Jesus did this world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. Amen." I have to say, "No" and stick to it, even when all those around me said, "Yes," to what I thought was evil. So be it.

  4. erydgnCardinal Wuerl is a "prnce" of a fellow...certainly not one of the Church.

  5. One would think that those administering Holy Communioin, especially in the "diplomatic section" of the papal Mass would have been instructed not to give Holy Communion to any but pracicing Catholics such as the Spanish Royal Family. I wonder why instructions were not given to turn Biden and Pelosi away.

  6. Those administering Holy Communion in the "diplomatic section" may well not have recognized Biden or Pelosi. Just because we Americans can pick them out doesn't mean the rest of the world can. That's why the real test is what happens "state-side". Google "ushers of the Eucharist", "David Pence". Perhaps that idea should be revisited?

  7. A correction to my post at 2:22 PM. I meant to write near the end, "I have had to say, "No" and stick to it, even when all those around me said,"Yes" to what I thought was evil." Sorry for the mistake.

  8. Well I never understood why Pope John Paul or Pope Benedict didn't remove Cardinal McCarrick or Bishop Loverde for not enforcing canon 915 or why they appointed Cardinal Wuerl to Washington Wuerl made it very clear as Bishop of Pittsburgh that he wouldn't refuse Holy Communion to pro-choice advocates and they still appt him to Washington. Go Figure

  9. In 2007, as Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio (Pope Francis) presented the final version of a joint statement of the bishops of Latin America – the "Aparecida Document" –The Aparecida Document links worthiness to receive the Eucharist to compliance and acceptance of Church teaching against abortion and euthanasia:[146][150][151][152]
    “We hope that legislators, heads of government, and health professionals, conscious of the dignity of human life and of the rootedness of the family in our peoples, will defend and protect it from the abominable crimes of abortion and euthanasia; that is their responsibility ... We should commit ourselves to "eucharistic coherence", that is, we should be conscious that people cannot receive Holy Communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments, in particular when abortion, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated. This responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”

  10. Cardinal Ratzinger instructed the American Bishops that pro-choice politicans were not to be given Holy Communion (Cardinal McCarrick intercepted the letter but we all knew about it) yet Pope Benedict never said a word. My fear is that while Cardinal Brogoglio wrote this statement, Pope Francis will be silent. Pity Cardinal Burke didn't get the tiara.

  11. Yes, I agree a real pity Cardinal Burke was not elected to the Chair of Peter , a true pity!
    You see when will "they" stop offending Jesus ....when I ask you.
    And that includes all of us ...
    These people (Biden and Pelosi) need to be REFUSED communion ...they are offending Jesus and that is what matters most..stop offending Jesus ...these Bishops simply need to take and firm stand and say NO to them all ....God Have Mercy on them all
