Friday, March 15, 2013

Traditionalists Express Concern about Pope Francis....

...but that's not the entire story.

Apparently Cardinal Bergoglio was less than friendly to Summorum Pontificum when it was released and refused permission in his diocese for its implementation. Rorate Coeli has carried information on this. But that's not the entire story of this man and one of those commenting, Brian Kopp, (amidst the gloom and doom crowd) had this to say:
I have no concerns whatsoever about the continued growth of the TLM under our new Pope Francis. He will not do anything to undermine the freedom Pope Benedict granted to the TLM. And unlike Pope Benedict, I would not be at all surprised to see Pope Francis publicly offer a TLM some day. 
The man has a deep devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, practices the Five first Saturday Devotions, and prays 15 decades of the Rosary each day. 
After he meets with Pope Emeritus Benedict, reads the 300 page dossier on the VatiLeaks scandal, and reads the rest of the Third secret of Fatima, he will be a different man than he was as Archbishop, then Cardinal, in Argentina. 
He just strikes me as the type who, once he learns something is the Lord’s Will, he will simply make it his own. I suspect under the influence of our Pope Emeritus and the rest of the Third Secret we will be pleasantly surprised by his pontificate.
It is too soon for people to hyperventilate over Pope Francis. First of all, the Holy Spirit allowed his election so it must "work together for good for those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." Secondly, the position can make the man as Brian Kopp says. Think of the change to Thomas Becket after being named Archbishop of Canterbury. If God could change so drastically a man committed to a sinful lifestyle, think what He can do with a man who loves Him and His mother.

Besides, I cannot believe) that the new pope's simple lifestyle in Argentina was put on. And I for one am tired of cardinals, bishops, and pastors who live like princes (or princesses) among poor parishioners. There is something nauseating about bishops with climate-controlled wine cellars, personal chefs, and houses filled with marble, mahogany, and masterpieces. A simple man who cooked his own dinner and rode the subway appeals to me. So everybody needs to take a deep breath and pray for our new pope.

1 comment:

  1. October 7, 2013

    Pope Francis is interpreting magisterial documents with an objective error : he is using a dead man walking and visible theory
