Friday, March 15, 2013

Will Pope Francis be the Mouse that Roars?

The blogs are a-twitter with posts about the humble style of our new pope. The photo says it all.

But as I look at our new pope's bold acts condemning abortion and euthanasia, homosexual marriage and adoption, liberation theology, etc. I think perhaps the cardinals have elected the mouse that roars.

I am particularly impressed with his simple lifestyle, something his brothers would do well to imitate.

So let's all pray for Pope Francis. He cares deeply about evangelization and, let's face it, we certainly need that with the sorry state of education among Catholics, many of whom reject fundamental doctrines.

As for the conclave watchers who wanted a new type of pope who would reject everything the Church teaches by approving contraception and abortion, blessing divorce, advancing the homosexual lifestyle, approving women's ordination, and generally turning the Catholic Church into ECUSA (Episcopal Church USA), eat your heart out. This man loves the Church. It ain't gonna happen.

Mary, Mother of the Church and Queen of the Clergy, pray for our new Holy Father and for the flock he shepherds.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture! It looks like he will be the "servant" Pope, but isn't that what Jesus taught us to be? I like him.
