Friday, April 26, 2013

Another Abortion Scandal from Cardinal Dolan

Does it never end? Earlier this month Cardinal Dolan presented the Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal to Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts. Only one problem. Chavez has been up to her neck cooperating with pro-abortion democrats and abortion advocates throughout her entire career, so why exactly is she being recognized with an award from the Church? St. Elizabeth Seton must be rolling over in her grave.

And once again Cardinal Dolan demonstrates that he is anything but a role model for Catholics who love the Lord and His creation, especially the least ones. The two articles below tell the story. And it is a shameful one for Cardinal Dolan. His list of scandals just keeps growing and growing.

Girl Scout CEO Attends 2013 Youth Emblem / Adult Recognition Ceremony with Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan

Ideology at work: Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Chavez

Check out Honest Girl Scouts to see how far this once admirable group has fallen. Today it partners with Planned Parenthood, favors cartoon pornography for young girls, and generally undermines morality. Check out the shocking truth! And then ask yourself whether any Catholic cleric can legitimately support this group without cooperating with evil.


  1. Yes, pray for Cardinal Dolan because he is on a slippery slope...and eveil is evil and we cannot condone evil at all.
    A Prince of the Church gives an award to an evil organization..VERY SAD!!!!

  2. Unfortunately now it is gong to be the same for the Boy Scouts now that they are caving in and letting "gays" become Scouts. We must make sure our parishes don't sponsor these organizations

  3. It's time that we faithful Catholics recognize "men" like Dolan for what they are--false shepherds--and stop calling them our bishops. Maybe when Rome realizes that we no longer accept them and their dangerous leadership we will get good and faithful shepherds who will protect the flock

  4. Well this has all be told to us by the Mother of God : Our Lady of Fatima stated many things, also from Our Lady of Akita and Our Lady of La Salette here are some of the things she stated:
    1. Rome would lose the Faith
    2. Rome will become the seat of the Anti Christ
    3. The great Apostasy would start at the top.
    I think we are seeing some of this already dear friends .
    Pray , Pray and Pray !!!!!!!!!

  5. In my opinion, Cardinal Dolan has serious problems. He has an immense public persona and what looks to me like some sort of attention, perhaps attention getting, disorder. I mean it. I watched him celebrating Mass recently and he he can barely sit still. He brings the art of backslapping to a level of social disorder. I wouldn't wish this outwardness on anyone. Worse still, many love and encourage him for this grandness. And as for the Girl Scout Award, like the Al Smith Dinner, he will not relate no matter how many of us yell scandal. Too bad. We so desperately need a strong and holy leader.

  6. God help me, but I'm now at the point where I have nothing but contempt for this man. He almost acts like an agent of the Obama regime. Mother Mary, save your son!

  7. Shame on y'all! Your "adherence to strict rules of a victorian tint" and "shameless priggishness" simply reveal your own corrupt thirst for power (at least according to the new pope):

    "One who is corrupt is "so holed up in the satisfaction of his own self-sufficiency" that his bloated self-esteem refuses to face the reality of his fraudulent and opportunistic behavior, he said.

    "He has the face of someone trying to say, 'It wasn't me!' or as my grandmother would say, 'The face of a darling little angel," he said.

    The ability of the corrupt to disguise their true self should qualify them for an honorary degree in "social cosmetology," he said.

    They hide their thirst for power by making their ambitions seem frivolous and socially acceptable. With "shameless priggishness," they adhere to "severe rules of a Victorian tint," he wrote."

  8. Wow! I am so very disappointed with Cardinal Dolan. When he was first ordained a Cardinal in New York, I was thrilled with him. He is charismatic, joyful, a people person, and I mistakenly thought an orthodox Catholic that would stand for the truth of the Church.
    How WRONG I was. He needs prayer.

  9. I've no doubt the time will come when our bishops will have the same lack of spine evidenced when Henry VIII declared himself the leader of England's church. Of all that nation's bishops, only St. John Fisher stayed true to the Faith.

    So the average pewsitter found himself looking to hedge priests and risking execution. It may not reach that level here but the Dolans of our clergy won't do anything to stop it.

  10. I had a bad feeling about Cardinal Dolan on the day he was installed in NYC. I haven't seen anything from him that changes that. The only thing Cardinal Dolan is going to do is tell a joke and laugh. That's it.
