Monday, April 15, 2013

Beautiful Traditional Hymns

Not to us be the glory, O God.

Sad to say, the more traditional music is more likely to be sung in Protestant churches than Catholic. Here's a lovely Easter hymn at a Lutheran church.

And one of my personal favorites - we had it at our 40th wedding anniversary Mass and I want it at my funeral since it covers life from its beginning to its end.

And finally, in honor of my dad, a 1940 Naval Academy graduate who survived Pearl Harbor and served in the Mariana Islands during WW II:


  1. I love these, especially
    "Be Thou My Vision" which is also my favorite hymn.
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. I was raised as a child in a lovely little Methodist church with stained-glass windows, an altar--although no Sacrifice-- and a pipe organ. Later I converted to the Catholic Church because I knew it was the one Jesus Christ started, but I have never lost my love of the pipe organ, so the hymn "Lord of all Hopefulness" is one of my favorites among the hymns you have posted. There is a Catholic Shrine in California that sings it quite often using a smaller organ.
