Friday, May 31, 2013

Are You a Catholic in Good Standing?

I know I'm not. I used to write occasional articles for the diocesan paper, but I'm blacklisted and have been for years. They won't even publish a letter to the ed unless I sign it with a pseudonym. Because, heck, I'm mean. Hey, if you dare to criticize the scandals promulgated by our pathetic bishops, you must hate the Church.

What ever happened to the spiritual work of mercy, "To admonish the sinner." Most bishops have dropped it down the memory hole. Besides, the only unforgivable sin, worse than the sin against the Holy Spirit, that can result in serious retaliation is to criticize the bishops.

Clearly fornication and advancing moral evils is okay as shown by Cardinal Dolan's bowing and scraping to Mario Cuomo. Wonder what the bishops think of that mean ole John the Baptist with his politically incorrect extremist talk. How dare he call the religious leaders of his day a "brood of vipers?" Beheading was too good for him.

It will be interesting to see how my own bishop treats Terry McAuliffe, candidate for governor, a pro-abortion, pro-gay Catholic (sic) who attends St. Luke's in McLean. When McAuliffe starts trashing REAL CATHOLIC Ken Cuccinelli who defends the unborn and stands up for traditional marriage, will voters be advised that these are serious moral issues for Catholics - issues that are immoral to support? Or will McAuliffe get the wink and the nod and the pat on the back in the parish parking lot filled with bumper stickers advancing his pro-abortion, pro-gay career? What do you think?


  1. Isn't it SAD to these events unfolding ....
    Everybody doe your won thing and you will be okay....
    Nobody calls sin: SIN anymore or not hardly.
    Everything is watered down and of course we NEVER want to offend anyone : what will they say when they stand before the good God , what we say, just askin ?

  2. It happened in New Jersey - Chris Christie was touted as prolife when at the minimum supported rape/incest exceptions and was running against 100 percent prolife rockstar Lonegan. (This was for the Republican nomination). (I say rockstar because Lonegan was also a very principled small-government conservative. Fought Obamacare *hard*). Either candidate would have won against the failure incumbent Corzine. But no, even NJ Right to Life called Christie "prolife" and so many Catholics voted for him.

    What we got was a tepid poseur for governor. Christie was the only Republican to show up at the White House fete for China. And you know about how he slobbered for Fed Funds for Hurricane Sandy. And we are constantly hearing the "Chris whisperers" whispering his name for pres in 2016, even tho he has been all talk and no action against Big Gov.

    Make sure the Catholics in your state know who is truly Catholic and who is not.

  3. Thank you! Our church needs more back bones.

  4. I'll tell you right now your bishop is for McAulliffe. It isn't any secret to those who know him
