Thursday, May 9, 2013

Magnificat Covers: Beautiful Art for Meditation

One of my favorite things about the Magnificat prayer book is the lovely religious art both on the cover and the art article in the back. This month the cover is particularly lovely; Can't We Dream by Pierre-Marie Dumont. Art provides such fruit for meditation. And this painting is truly an invitation to dream and meditate on the Holy Family in Nazareth and on motherhood which seems especially appropriate as we approach Mothers Day.

Consider how moms create memories for their children and share their dreams for the future. Mary stands on the bottom step looking back which I think of as remembering the past, the strong heritage of family. "Remember, Jesus, that you are descended from kings and warriors. You are a king and will fight the enemy like David to save your people."

Behind her the steps climb up. Is that the temple of Jerusalem in the background? Do the steps climb up to Jesus' ministry climaxing in Jerusalem? Do they prefigure the climb up Calvary Hill? Perhaps, but at this moment captured by the artist, they are shrouded in a misty light clouding the future. Each step will have its own challenges; they will not be climbed all at once.  And Mother Mary will be there at each stage of the journey with her Son, the model for all moms who never stop accompanying their children and grandchildren on the adventure of life.

If you are fortunate enough to have your mom still with you, why don't you call her today and tell her you love her! Why wait until Sunday? She may die from the shock, but she'll appreciate it for sure! And to all you mothers out there, Happy Mothers' Day a few days early.


  1. Mary Ann, would you make a post about why you are willing to attend Novus Ordo despite its grave defects in translation; how it's conducted; how it leads people to the liberal liturgy rather than the "Mass of all time and ages" (TLM); the "peace exchange" during the Mass among people; "Eucharistic ministers" (women, especially) on top of the fact that it was made by the participation of 6 protestants, and its orientation is people not God, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. (the endless dangers of NO)?

    By promoting Magnificat, I suppose you are promoting Novus Ordo although I know you are promoting a better participation in Novus Ordo Mass. Still, Novus Ordo is Novus Ordo which some traditionalists despise because of the unforgivable wrongness embedded in the NO Mass. I don't think I have to lecture much to you as I know you well know just how much confusion NO has created for the past 40 years.

    Yet, here, you are talking about Magnificat. I couldn't but asking about your view on attending NO daily over not attending NO because of its defects when daily TLM is absent in a parish. I mean, from God's point of view, isn't NO something He would vomit out because of its lukewarmness?

  2. You can't be more Catholic than the Church and the Church has approved the Novus Ordo. I find it somewhat baffling when people blame the Novus Ordo and Vatican II for all the world's problems. The fact is that if the faith was so strong before Vatican II, how could things collapse overnight as they did?

    I have no problem with the Novus Ordo when it said the way it was intended to be said without all the nonsense added by those who had an agenda and used Vatican II as an opportunity to implement it.

    In my parish, the N.O. is well said without liturgical abuse and questionable innovations. Our priests are reverent and never showmen at the altar. I attend the N.O. almost every day, sometimes ad orientam. I occasionally attend the Tridentine. Both are valid and I would rather attend daily Mass than avoid it because it's an N.O.

  3. Hi Mary Ann. Just stopping by from a Google search for this Magnificat cover. Maybe a bit too sweet and dreamy but still . . . I really like it. I like your answer ^^ above, by the way.
