Monday, May 13, 2013

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us!

Today is the 96th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to the three little shepherd children at Fatima, Portugal. She warned the little ones about what would happen if men did not turn away from their sins. It is hard to imagine what is in store for us when you consider the state of the world compared to 1917. I can only think that a small percentage of the world's population committed to praying in reparation for sin and doing penance for the sins of the world is holding back the wrath of God. Turn to Mary. She is the most perfect mother ever to live and she intercedes for us, her children, continually before the throne of God. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

I love to read Lucia's account of the Fatima apparitions and see the devotion inspired in herself and her little cousins, Jacinta and Francisco. In honor of the day, I read some of Fatima in Lucia's Own Words. She describes Franciso's love for our Lady:
He said to me on one occasion: "I loved seeing the Angel [who appeared to them several weeks before the first apparition to prepare them], but I loved still more seeing Our Lady. What I loved most of all was to see Our Lord in that light from Our Lady which penetrated our hearts. I love God so much! But He is very sad because of so many sins! We must never commit any sins again."... From time to time, he said: "Our Lady told us that we would have much to suffer, but I don't mind. I'll suffer all that she wishes! What I want is to go to heaven!" 
One day, when I showed how unhappy I was over the persecution now beginning both in my family and outside, Francisco tried to encourage me with these words: "Never mind! Didn't Our Lady say that we would have much to suffer, to make reparation to Our Lord and to her own Immaculate Heart for all the sins by which They are offended? They are so sad! If we can console them with these sufferings, how happy we shall be."
Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of us would echo Francisco. "What I want is to go to heaven!" That one short sentence could change our lives. Please, Lord, give me the desire to want nothing but to go to heaven.

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