Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Socialists or St. Joseph?

May 1st is the Communist celebration of the worker. Of course, in the commie and socialist states workers are little more than slaves, cogs in the wheel of the progressives' machine feeding the state's voracious appetite. But the reality of near slavery in Communist countries has never kept their rulers from proclaiming them the "workers' paradise." And May Day continues to be a socialist propaganda day as well.

It's no different among the socialists in the U.S. Every year the Alinskyites prowl around the country seeking their socialist goals and power for the organizers. This year they are focusing on "immigration reform" which, sadly, is no reform but the undermining of America as we know it. (Just ask the folks in southern Texas, Arizona, and California.) But for the Alinskyites, immigrants are pawns in their power play.

See May Day! May Day!

The Church, in her wisdom, made the Communist holiday the feast of St. Joseph the worker, a celebration that recognizes not only the dignity of work, but even more, the dignity of the individual worker. Let us pray to St. Joseph for real immigration reform, reform that respects the right of sovereign nations to protect their borders and their grave obligation to defend the safety and cohesion of the nation.

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