Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ah California, the Land of Limitless Legislator Loonies...

...has just passed another stunning bill, AB1266. The public schools are now required to allow boys and girls to share facilities, i.e., bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers irrespective of their differing body parts. This takes show-and-tell to a radical new level. It also lets boys who feel like girls compete against girls on athletic teams giving them an unfair advantage and limiting girls' opportunities. 

Here's the wording of the bill that mandates this insanity:
A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.
Take a look at some of the legislators supporting the bill.

According to the LGBTQXYZ lobby this is all about protecting transgender kids. Nobody worries about protecting normal, healthy Christian kids these days. The whole world has to join a psychotic game where there is no reality outside an individual's own feelings. Parents who still have the brains to recognize this "emperor has no clothes" scenario need to pull their kids out of California's public schools. Children are no longer spiritually safe in an environment where they are being trained to call good evil and evil good. That is a surefire training ground to lead the young straight to hell. Whether these irresponsible adults are sincere or not, the truth is not in them. And those with moral sense will flee!


  1. A rare figure of wide acclaim in today's Stateside church, the Boston native left the helm of CRS in 2011 with both laurels from the nation's bishops and American Catholicism's most prestigious prize – Notre Dame's Laetare Medal. Accordingly, even in a polarized capital, all indications are that the choice of the Peace Corps veteran is a lock to fly through the requisite Senate confirmation, which will likely begin in short order with hearings before the Foreign Relations Committee.

    so what is up with this nomination?

  2. I guess you are talking about Ken Hackett's nomination to be Vatican ambassador. Frankly, I don't know much about him, but CRS has been seriously problematic in some of the things they've provoted. He hasn't been a very good guardian if you ask me.

  3. The next time I start missing something about my native state of California, I will remember this story and thank God I'm not living there anymore.

    Even if there were no near occasions of sin with unisex bathrooms, there is still the inescapable fact that males and females have, shall we say, different sensibilities when it comes to hygiene and smells. Today I visited a brand-new city park. It has three unisex one-stall bathrooms. They are already disgusting.

  4. As a native Californian, it has been sickening to see my state go down into the cesspool. The majority of Californians I know do not agree with all this, but many still keep voting for these decadent politicians. Many, though, are taking their children out of public schools, and too often they get tired of fighting such legislation. It seems to be never ending. Nonetheless, these reprobates are already going after our children by trying to put in a law that punishes pedophiles in private school more than the pedophiles in public school. It would almost be impossible to sue the state if children are molested in public schools. Much of this would be covered up by taking the girls that are molested to Planned Parenthood and have the child from the rape aborted without the parents ever knowing about it.

  5. As a native Californian, it has been sickening to see my state go down into the cesspool. The majority of Californians I know do not agree with all this, but many still keep voting for these decadent politicians. Many, though, are taking their children out of public schools, and too often they get tired of fighting such legislation. It seems to be never ending. Nonetheless, these reprobates are already going after our children by trying to put in a law that punishes pedophiles in private school more than the pedophiles in public school. It would almost be impossible to sue the state if children are molested in public schools. Much of this would be covered up by taking the girls that are molested to Planned Parenthood and have the child from the rape aborted without the parents ever knowing about it.

    The public school sex abuse scandal beggars the imagination -- although public school teachers have not come under the opprobrium that is heaped upon Catholic priests. And taking sex abuse victims to Planned Parenthood has already been going on for years. The former attorney general of Kansas tried to prosecute Planned Parenthood over it.
