Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hunker Down and Keep the Faith

The dear priest who witnessed our marriage was a benedictine monk who suffered greatly for his orthodoxy. As a matter of fact, the monks were happy to have him teach chemistry at the University of Maryland so they didn't have to deal with his faith. He told us once when we were lamenting the state of the Church that the laity always bring her back. I thought of Father when I listened to Michael Voris' message today. Keep the faith and pass it on to your children and grandchildren.


  1. My 4 adult children don't even go to Church anymore and they surely do NOT want to hear anything I have to say about God or the Catholic Church , and believe me they each consider themselves to be "good " I mentioned God one time in front of my oldest daughter and she did not talk to me for 2 years ...WOW !
    They were not raised that way but believe you me happens .
    They no NOTHING of the Traditional Latin Mass , or the pre Vatican II era, they were All rasied in the Church of Nice ( Michael Voris words) so we have lots of praying to do for the Holy Catholic Church because I believe GOD is going to PURIFY HER before it all said and done...Michael Voris states this TRUTH very clearly : HUNKER DOWN AND KEE THE FAITH : IN THE END WE ALL KNOW WHO WINDS : GOD WINS !!!!!

  2. What a sorrow for you, Jeanne. I always take hope in the Scripture passage (Proverbs?) that says, "Raise the children in the way of the Lord and when they are OLD they won't depart from it." Where there's life, there's hope. I think the Lord gave us the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for this time when so many of our young people have been so scandalized. Hopefully, they won't be closed to God's grace in the end.

  3. I pray for all 4 of them each and every day with each Rosary : Now maybe through your kind words I should pray the Chaplet for them also ..God Bless !

  4. I am afraid that the current Holy Father is more a part of hte problem than the solution with his emphasis on the world food crisis, economics, "rights" of immigrants, etc rather than the things that really matter--especially the dignity of the Mass and the Papal Office. I am not saying that he is not a good man but listening to Michael, it doesn't seem that he is the Shepherd we need at this time
