Sunday, July 28, 2013

Democrats want Atheist Chaplains in the Military: One More Proof They're the "Evil Party"

(Thanks to Gary for the heads up on this!)

From a June report by The Hill:
"The House on Friday rejected a Democratic proposal to allow nonreligious chaplains to serve nonreligious service members in the military....'What my amendment would simply do is allow chaplains who are certified or ordained, secular humanists and ethical culturalists or atheists, to also be able to support the brave men and women who serve in our military,' Polis said.... But the GOP-led House was able to defeat the amendment in a 150-274 vote. Every Republican voted against it, and they were joined by 44 Democrats."
Well, at least we can say that 44 Democrats haven't gone completely over to the dark side. By the way,
the Congressman introducing this bill is Jared Polis, an open homosexual from Colorado. Hmmm....atheism and homosexuality, godlessness and depravity -- just what the military needs! How exactly does an atheist "chaplain" prepare? What "seminary" training does he have -- workshops by Richard Dawkins? Well, actually there are already atheist chaplains in the military. They belong to Unitarian Universalism (UU) which can be summed up in one world -- whatever! UU is particularly appropriate for Navy atheists -- whatever floats your boat. Unitarians have no creed, no dogma, and no God, although individual UU churches can believe whatever they want so Unitarians don't always agree about whether they believe anything. Polis' amendment was clearly redundant. 

Oh, and one other tidbit about Polis. In 2011 he and his "long-time partner" had a son. Here's what the Huffington Post reported:
Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) is a proud father of a newborn baby, making him the first openly gay parent in the U.S. Congress. 
On Friday, Polis and his partner, Marlon Reis, sent out an announcement about the arrival of their son, Caspian Julius, who is 8 pounds, 12 ounces. 
"Baby and parents are doing well, baby has learned to cry already! No gifts please, just nice thoughts for Caspian, humankind, the planet, and the universe!" read the announcement.
Polis and Reis have declined to comment on whether it was a surrogate pregnancy or an adoption.
Pray for the poor baby. And for our men and women serving their country. The persecution of Christians in the military is going on bigtime. Watch the video below if you care about our military men and women being persecuted for acting on their Christian beliefs. They need to know their religious rights. One of the reasons our military fight is to PROTECT OUR FREEDOMS, and the right our Constitution puts FIRST is that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." How can the military leadership deprive our Christian chaplains and servicemen and women of their first amendment rights? It is ridiculous and obscene! Those in harm's way need God's help more than ever. Defend the rights of our military!

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