Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life is Hard; Handle With Prayer

I was talking to a square dancing friend today who is in treatment for cancer. She mentioned that an acquaintance asked if it was okay to put her name on a prayer list at church. She also asked her prayer shawl ministry to pray and they presented my friend with a prayer shawl. She said she loves to wrap herself up in it and feel the love that went into it. Right now she's doing chemo and I can just imagine the comfort it must be to wrap that prayer shawl around her shoulders.

My friend is not a Catholic, but the group that gave her the shawl is. Now wouldn't that be a lovely ministry -- say the rosary and knit/crochet prayer shawls. I love the idea and think I'll toss it around with a few friends. So many people love to do needlework. I've knit in the past. Maybe I can start up again.

1 comment:

  1. I think that would be a wonderful ministry. You have given me the idea to take up my crochet needles. I also have a close friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
