Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Tone in Rome?


  1. The "Bishop of Rome" is an utter disaster. I obviously am one who doesn't subscribe to the false idea that one musn't disagree with the Pope. Utter disaster, utterly shameful. Lord help us.

  2. The human mind is created for Truth. How unfulfilled are these false prophets whose souls are smothered in platitudes while the strong medicine of Jesus could bring them to indescribable heights of spiritual joys!

  3. The Holy Spirit leads the Church and I have to believe an elected pope is the correct one for the time. We've had bad popes, that's for sure. I pray that Pope Francis is not one. He has done and said some things that make me rejoice. Other things puzzle and concern me. At present I'm just praying for the pope and for poor Holy Mother Church. There are so many false shepherds I hope he is not among them.

  4. I write from Buenos Aires where former Cardinal Bergoglio is hated by both the "left" and the "right". Obviously he is not close enough to any of those positions. He implemented the Traditional Mass within 48 hours of the Motu Proprio by Benedict XVI. He has not been silent about abortion, contraception, homosexuality, and many other grievous sins and disorders. But he has also been known for going out at night with a bunch of priestas and religious to serve hot soup to the streetwalkers, hearing their confession and taking concrete steps to help them leave that kind of life. Now, I have lived in the US as a Catholic and I have not seen anyone do anything of that sort except perhaps the prayer groups in front of abortion clinics. Those who think Francis is an utter disaster should alt least match his good deeds (that's hard because many of the good things he has done here were done without any fanfare) and also should pray 5 mysteries of Holy Rosary like he does daily. He may not have the gift of clarity but he is far from being the kind of person that will seat next to Obama and laugh while the abortion mills promoted by that monster go on and on and on. Tone down and don't rent your clothes yet. At least wait until Good Friday to crucify him. He is not teaching error, he is not Honorius, Benedict IX, or Alexander VI yet.
    Please pray for him and try to be patient. His job is not easy.

  5. Thank you so much for your comment, CCR. The pope's love for the poor is an inspiration.
