Monday, September 30, 2013

Pray for the Pope and for Holy Mother Church

I've only read snippets of "the interview," but I'm going to read it myself after watching this discussion. Think I'll also read Janet Smith's article about it. As a pro-life activist who's spent most of my adult life fighting abortion, teaching NFP, and in general working to promote Humanae Vitae, I also feel unsettled by his description of being "obsessed" with these issues. Has my life of pro-life work been misdirected? Should I have put my efforts elsewhere?

While the pope may not be saying anything new (Fr. Z has an interesting column on the interview bit on homosexuality.), he's speaking a language most people don't understand so misinterpretation is guaranteed! Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture whom I admire, doesn't think that's a bad thing and his take on all this appeals to me.

In the meantime, we continue to get to know our new pope who certainly has a different style than all the popes in my lifetime. Let's pray for him. The crowds followed Jesus so maybe the world love-fest is not a bad thing. We'll see what happens when the persecution intensifies. After all, the mob called Jesus king and killed him a week later. Pray for Pope Francis.

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