Saturday, October 5, 2013

What Does the Church Need? A Year of Repentance!

Now that the year of faith is nearly over (It began on October 11th of 2012), my friend Fr. Tom suggests a new year -- of repentance. I'm with him and there is plenty to repent for: our sins of omission in addressing the terrible injustices of our time: abortion, euthanasia,  usury (like title loan companies preying on the financially strapped), youth unemployment, the loneliness of our elderly, etc. Here's what Fr. Tom suggests:
It seems that we could overcome a lot of problems if Church leaders could just trust enough in God's gracious mercy to declare a Year of Repentance. Even Jesus proclaimed "Repent", before He proclaimed "Believe the Good News" (Mk 3:15). 
Sadly, the [papal] interviews seem to indicate that the Gospel is centered on a program for the renewal of humanity, rather than on the Person of Jesus. But, apart from Jesus,we can do nothing - except stagnate, decay and die. We need to stress again that salvation, including social justice, is not merely a matter of helping people move from coach to first-class on that "long black train" going to hell. 
Pastorally, I am convicted that we should have had a Year of Repentance before the current Year of Faith. After all, if my faith formation is guided by misguided theologians, all I will discover will be new excuses for old sins. And if we continue to allow the idea of the "evolving" Church to displace that of the faithful Church, novelty will supplant fidelity as the criterion of our spiritual lives (cf. II Pet 2:1-22). 
God bless you!
Fr. Tom
Thank you, Father for your always edifying emails. I'll add the intention of a year of  repentance to my rosary journal.

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