Monday, January 13, 2014

Isn't It Strange When a Protestant Christian Like Phil Robertson....

...sounds more like a modern prophet than the bishops of the Church? And isn't it tragic when we can't talk about the fires of hell because it's just not pastoral. Gosh! If I saw somebody barreling down a road and I knew the bridge was out and the driver was likely to plunge into a canyon, I sure wouldn't consider it loving to let them go on their merry, ignorant way. Our bishops need to read the dreams of St. John Bosco and some of the sermons on the four last things by saints of the Church. A reckoning is coming and those who do not repent will find themselves in the pen with the goats being prodded down the road to hell with pitchforks. See what you think about this Vortex. I know lots of people don't like Mike Voris, but he sounds and acts like a man. Now isn't that refreshing?


  1. Not to be a nudge but Michael Voris sounds and acts like a CATHOLIC man in much the same way the Duck Commander sounds and acts like a Christian man. There is no mistaking they take Christ and his Church seriously.

  2. To be more precise, Michael Voris sounds and acts like a CATHOLIC man....not a Catholic Christian, not a Christian, but a 100% Catholic man.
