Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Who's Vetting at the Vatican? Pro-Homosexual Firms Hired!

This is so disheartening! Now the question: Is it stupidity, negligence, or malice? Randy Engel believes it's deliberate. Here are the two concluding paragraphs of her eye-opening article article:
I have no doubt that the Vatican officials and clerics who hired these morally bankrupt firms to "reform" the Vatican's administration and finances, and who have given God's enemies free access to administrative and financial secret data of all kinds, knew exactly what they were doing when they made the appointments. The fact that not a single Vatican official including the current occupant of the Chair of Saint Peter, has publicly raised the issue of possible moral turpitude practiced and advanced by these mega business firms confirms what all true Catholics know in their heart of hearts – that we are living in the shadow of the Antichrist. 
This is why, during this very Holy Season of the year, let each of us, in our own way, give thanks to the Blessed Trinity, Three Persons in One God, for their gift of Life and for their extravagant Love that fills our hearts with gratitude and gives us the courage and fortitude to persevere to the end. There is no cause to fret or despair in the face of the enemies of Christ including those who have found sanctuary in the very heart of the Vatican. After all, has not God already told us in Genesis how the Final Battle will end? And it is with this knowledge, this deeply held belief, that we can look towards a Blessed New Year as an opportunity to do battle here on earth for Christ and His Church so that we may wear a crown of everlasting glory in the Kingdom to come. And now, if you pardon me, I have to go sharpen my pen and my sword.
A big thanks to Randy for her fearless and unrelenting pursuit of truth. She is one of my heroes. May God give us all the strength to fight and not count the cost! Our Lady, clothed in battle array, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

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