Saturday, February 8, 2014

Poor Mental Health in Gay Men

A study in the Netherlands indicates that no matter how accepting a society is of sexual disorders, you just can't fool Mother Nature. The truth will out. Here's the opening of the article:
Although legal and social equality for gay people is further advanced in the Netherlands than in most other countries, Dutch gay men have much higher rates of psychological distress than heterosexual men, Sanjay Aggarwala and Rene Gerrets write in the February issue of Culture, Health & Sexuality.Their study suggests that some of this can be explained by the continued privileging of ‘normal’ masculinity, both in wider society and on the gay commercial scene.  
Previously, a large, representative study of Dutch adults found that gay men were three times more likely than heterosexual men to report a mood disorder or anxiety disorder, and ten times more likelyto report suicidal thoughts. While similar results have been reported in other western countries, the Dutch findings are especially striking given the country’s good record on equality for gay people.
Is it really the "privileging of 'normal' masculinity" or is it the reality that "normal" masculinity is, in fact...normal?
Let's face it, you can pretend all you want that same sex relations are normal, but believing nonsense doesn't make it true. We are ordered toward the way God made us, male and female, and all the pretending in the world won't make a man a woman or a woman a man. You can cut and paste, like Chastity'Chas Bono, but the truth still resides in the DNA. And pretending to be what you are not is a sure prescription for mental disorder. If somebody insisted he was the reincarnation of Napoleon, we'd say he needed mental treatment. But a woman insisting she's really a man by cutting off her breasts and taking male hormones is sane?

Read the article and the report abstract.  No matter how much effort goes into forcing the culture to accept the normalcy of same sex attraction, the natural law will continue to operate. Those inflicted with this disorder who fail to pick up their cross of suffering within a moral context of living a chaste life will bear a much heavier cross of their own making. They need our compassion and our prayers for conversion. They will never find peace until they rest in the hollow of God's hands.


  1. I bet if an honest study was conducted in the US they would find most homosexuals are on some type of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medication. And not a few see a therapist from time to time. They claim alcoholism and drug abuse isn't the problem it was however.

  2. I beg to differ. Read the ENTIRE study. I am sorry that your religion forces you to dislike gays, but we do not live in a catholic country. I with you all the best, but please....PLEASE stop the hate. If it is true that gay men suffer more psychological distress, it may be because of people like you who are always gay bashing. My husband (yes we are legally married without the scare quotes) and I have been together for 23 years and we are till very happy and in love. Your presumption to know the mind or will of god is hubris at best. I hope you find peace. I assume this will never be posted.

  3. If there's any hate, flanoggin, it's on the part of gays as your post illustrates. I don't "dislike" gays or anyone else. I dislike lies and our culture's propensity to call good evil and evil good.

    It is not "gay bashing" to speak the truth about the way we are made. I put marriage in quotes not as a "scare" tactic, but to illustrate that there is no such thing as two same sex people entering into marriage no matter how much they pretend.

    As for me presuming "to know the mind or will of god (sic)" I simply look at His revelation and the teachings of the Church He founded to find the truth. It is you actually who have the hubris to believe that an institution that has been upheld as the building block of stable society for thousands of years should be pitched out because you and your partner want to play house. "Let's pretend" is a game for children. Chaste friendship between two men or two women is beautiful. Deviant sex is not as the consequences illustrate: Anal Cancer, Chlamydia trachomatis,
    Cryptosporidium,Giardia lamblia,
    Herpes simplex virus, HIV, Human papilloma virus,Isospora belli
    Microsporidia, Gonorrhea, Viral hepatitis types B & C,

    I'm adding you and your partner to my rosary journal. May God pour his saving grace upon you and bring you to repentance and eternal life with Him in heaven.

  4. Haha at last. Everybody is afraid of the gay community. In God I trust. They can bash my beliefs but their conscience still bothers them. Just come out of the closet and admit that you are straight. I am proud to say that in my school of 1600 learners... I have not met any gay sympathisers. Yes I am Christian but one look at nature and you realize that homo's are sick. The media defend the gays but let us remind ourselves that taboos are good. What if I told you that I am a born murderer, would you except me?
