The slanders against Pope Pius XII have gone on long enough. Thankfully, things are beginning to change. And one of the leading voices defending the pope is a Jewish organization called Pave the Way Foundation. Director Gary Krupp says it is a Jewish responsibility to correct the injustice done against the wartime pope. Krupp calls the Pius XII slander the "worst character assassination of the 20th century" and a "media manipulation." Anyone with an honest and open mind who examines the documentation from World War II cannot help but realize that Pope Pius XII, far from being a villain who didn't care about the Jews, was a hero who was willing to be vilified for "silence" while he used all means at his disposal to save as many Jews as possible - 12,000 in Rome alone. The more you read the records, the more you see the truth about the pope's heroism. The film about Pius XII and the occupation of Rome starring James Cromwell, Under the Roman Sky, is a great introduction to the truth about this Servant of God. It's a great movie. If you haven't seen it, why not make it a Lenten activity and then begin to read the documents that tell the truth about this man who saved so many Jews and others from the hands of the Nazis. Venerable Pius XII, pray for us.
Check out:
Pave the Way Foundation
Pope Pius XII and the Jews
Of interest to readers, there was a well written book titled "The Pope's Jews" by Gordon Thomas, published in 2012. It defends Pius XII for his efforts saving Jews.
ReplyDeleteAmong those assisted in his efforts was Princess Virginia Angelli, the daughter of the Fiat car dynasty.