Sunday, March 30, 2014

"Lord, that I may see."

I love all the events in the gospels of Jesus curing the blind. Today's gospel is especially compelling because the man born blind is so feisty and not a bit timid about confronting the Pharisees' hypocrisy. I love it when he asks them sarcastically whether they want to follow Jesus whereupon they say they follow Moses and throw him out.

Can't you see him getting up, shaking the dust off his sandals and going off? He's a lot tougher than his parents who fear being banned from the synagogue.

I love it that Jesus comes looking for him and asks him if he knows the Son of Man. "Who is He, Sir?" And as soon as he hears that it's Jesus bows down and worships Him.

How many of us see as clearly as the man born blind? Lord, that we may see! That we may know You, love You, and serve You! Help us, Jesus, to desire Your will like the man born blind. Cure us of our blindness and our hardheartedness. And give us the desire to always do Your will.

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