Saturday, April 26, 2014

I Won a Poetry Contest about Pope Francis

Got a fun email tonight telling me I was a winner in the Catholic Review blog poetry contest (Baltimore Archdiocese) which involved writing a poem about Pope Francis to celebrate his first anniversary as pope. I won a box of pasta. LOL! In the interests of transparency I have to make the following statement.

I wish I could say I won among thousands of entries, but I think there were only eight. Competition being slim, this is unlikely to result in a contract for a book of poems. I was an undergrad English major with a particular love for Shakespeare so I wrote a sonnet. While it's unlikely (okay, more like impossible) that I'll ever compose a sonnet like the least of Shakespeare's, it was fun playing around with the form. And here is the result:

For Pope Francis on His First Anniversary

To Peter's chair he came, a big surprise
With love for Lady Poverty his mark,
Refusing pomp and trappings, he abides
In simple rooms outside the papal park.
St. Peters's has not seen his like before
Although that could be said of every pope.
Each is unique in place and time, what's more
Each offers to his age the gift of hope.
Pope Francis is God's gift for these hard days
When mankind seems intent on suicide.
He calls us to be brave, embracing ways
That call to all to rush to Jesus' side.
And while we cannot know the day or hour,
We still can till the garden for the flower.


  1. Congratulations again, and thank you for entering! Yes, we were not bombarded with entries. Surprising, isn't it? Still, your poem is fantastic!

  2. Thanks, Rita, I sure had fun with it. And your email yesterday was a highlight of my day. I'm looking forward to the pasta with un vaso de vino rojo.

  3. I used to write poem prior to my conversion. I haven't written any since, but please pray that I will write some for Him if God is calling me.

