Friday, June 20, 2014

Are You Suffering Today?

Listen to the words of St. John Paul II:

Suffering "burns and consumes evil with the flame of love and draws forth even from sin a great flowering of good."

Think of the suffering of the cross and suffering of all the disciples as they mourned the loss of Jesus and then think of the great flowering of faith when the fire of the Holy Spirit came down upon them on Pentecost. If you are suffering today from physical, emotional, or spiritual pain, please don't waste it! Your suffering "consumes evil" when you make it a sacrifice on the altar of love -- especially through the intercession of the Blessed Mother.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. We must remember that each friday is a "little" Good Friday. We must always use redemptive suffering to hopeful effect. thx---
