Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cardinal Dolan Won't "Go to the Mat" for the Babies

 ....maybe he'll change his tune when they start coming for the cardinals.
Cardinal Dolan: Debate on denying Communion to pro-abortion pols ‘in the past’
The Church’s Code of Canon Law states in Canon 915 that those “obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.” Leading Vatican officials, including Pope Benedict XVI himself, have said this canon ought to be applied in the case of pro-abortion Catholic politicians. However, prelates in the West have widely ignored it, and some have openly disagreed. 
John Allen, Jr. of the new website Crux, launched as a Catholic initiative under the auspices of the Boston Globe, asked New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan about the issue earlier this month.
“In a way, I like to think it’s an issue that served us well in forcing us to do a serious examination of conscience about how we can best teach our people about their political responsibilities,” the cardinal responded, “but by now that inflammatory issue is in the past.” 
“I don’t hear too many bishops saying it’s something that we need to debate nationally, or that we have to decide collegially,” he continued. “I think most bishops have said, ‘We trust individual bishops in individual cases.’ Most don’t think it’s something for which we have to go to the mat.”
Of course Cardinal Dolan's not the only member of the hierarchy ignoring canon 915! We all know cardinals and bishops who like to hobnob with the rich and powerful pro-aborts and it certainly would be awkward to refuse to allow them to commit sacrilege at the table of the Lord. Horrors! The bishops might lose their seats at the table of power and privilege!

And it's good to know, Cardinal Dolan, that this "inflammatory issue is in the past." Really? Tell that to the 3700 babies murdered every day in the U.S. with the help of pro-abortion pols and enabling princes of the Church.

Will anyone be left to speak for Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal O'Malley, Cardinal Wuerl, Cardinal Mahony, and others when the culture of death comes for them?

I've spent my entire adult life fighting for the babies in the a sidewalk counselor, a pregnancy center counselor, and a rescuer. By the grace of God I have photos of little ones saved and I pray that the souls of some of our opponents have been saved as well.

I still pray for two young men named Dan, one who was among the counter-protesters at a rescue and another, a homosexual I met at the Vatican embassy demonstrating against Cdl. Ratzinger's letter on the pastoral care of homosexuals. Both these young men seemed to me to be searching for the truth and I told them, "If you are searching for the truth, you are searching for God. And he will not fail to find you."

Please pray for the two Dan's today. I think Jesus was talking about them when he said, "I assure you [speaking to the religious leaders] that tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you. When John came preaching a way of holiness, you put no faith in him; but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe in him. Yet even when you saw that, you did not repent and believe in him."

How many of our bishops and cardinals in the U.S. believe in the faith we profess? Before he died in 2000, I heard Fr. John Hardon say during a retreat that he only knew SIX who were "completely faithful" to the Church and only one third who were "mostly faithful." I hope he would find more now, fourteen years later, but many of the same bishops remain in office. As for those who refuse to implement canon law 915 and simply ignore it....well, that speaks for itself! As Thomas More said so eloquently during his trial, silence indicates agreement. May God have mercy on the "teachers" who fail to use their authority to defend God's least ones from murderous politicians and, instead, send a message of agreement!

And thank God for those bishops who do believe. To see where the bishops stand visit the Canon 915 project at American Life League. Most are unknown. Perhaps you can assist the project by examining the situation in your own diocese.


  1. debate nationally or decide collegially?,

    What? Debate Church teaching?

    I'm confused...

  2. Join the club! We are living in the Church of confusion these days.

  3. Mary Ann, I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the great work! I know he won’t read this but, Your Eminence, How can I encourage post abortive men and women who have been away from the Church to, once again, be restored to God and receive Holy Communion by going to confession, when they see you in full support of proabort politicians receiving Holy Communion? What about me…a post abortive woman, who entered into the Church (convert) finding mercy, forgiveness and hope. I’m deeply offended. What about love, Your Eminence? Please--go to the mat.

  4. Thank you, Carol. We are living in hard times like the English Catholics abandoned by most of their bishops. God forgive them.
