Friday, September 5, 2014

Have a Beer, but NOT DuClaw and NOT wearing "Virgin Mary" Jeans!

I received the following email from a fellow blogger about "Virgin Mary" jeans and I agree that this kind of thing deserves a rebuke. Last night I was out at a local burger and brat place for dinner and noticed on the beer list one labeled "Sweet Baby Jesus." (Read about the "slightly blasphemous" beer here.) Taking God's name in vain is a sin against the second commandment. It offends God and also offends Christians, but offending Christians is, not only, perfectly acceptable these days, it shows how with it you are. After you leave a note at light in the box about the offensive jeans, how about taking a minute to tell DuClaw brewing company that you will not drink "Sweet Baby Jesus," but you won't buy any of their other beers either. There are certainly plenty of other beers from which to choose. And I think I'll mention to the owner of the brat place that having that on the menu is offensive to Christians. Here's a link to DuClaw's contact page and you can read the email I sent at the bottom of this post.  
Hello Mrs Kreitzer,
‘I’m sorry to trouble you, but you have a large readership on your blog-site and, if you think it appropriate, I wonder if you would like to mention to your readers that an international clothing/dress/ etc company named ‘LightInTheBox’, is promoting the sale of men’s trousers described in the sale as ‘Virgin Mary print denim jeans’. My first impression when seeing this was that it was both offensive and blasphemous, and as a result I sent an email to the company complaining of this in these terms. The company is based in China, but it boasts of international trade. I doubt if my letter will have much influence, but if the company received many letters of complaint they might feel obliged to act- I suggested that they could change the name of the item, or remove it altogether.
If you can find the time, I would be grateful if you would have a look at the offending advert. If you think it worth pursuing, perhaps a few lines to your readers suggesting that they might like to complain to this company. This can be done by email through their ‘contact us’ link.
‘LightInTheBox’ can be traced through Google, although I will try to put a direct link below. The particular item in question is under ‘men’s trousers(pants)’ and is near the end of the list.

Thank you very much for your time.’
Yours sincerely,
Brian Crowe. AKA ‘whitesmokeahoy’/’umblepie’

Email to Du Claw brewery:
I was at one of our local pubs last night for dinner and noticed "Sweet Baby Jesus" on the beer list. I was surprised to see Jesus name taken in vain for a beer label. As a Catholic, I am offended by what one of your reviewers called a "slight blasphemy." There is no such thing. I will not be drinking any of your beer and I plan to talk to the owner of the restaurant about removing that item from his list. We're a small town and I will be asking other members of the congregation to object if the owner is reluctant to remove it.

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