Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wouldn't it be Great to Have a Syllabus of Modern Errors!

My internet friend Brian at umblepie blog has a great series of posts on Pio Nono, Pius IX.

We all need to be better versed in the history of the Church in order to fight our own modern errors. To paraphrase George Santayana, those who fail to remember history are condemned to repeat it. At any rate, here is umblepie's most recent post on Pope Pius IX about the development of the Syllabus of errors. Many of the errors continue to mislead people today! Wouldn't it be great of Pope Francis would give us a clear explication of modern errors leading to loss of the faith?

I urge you to read the latest article and then backtrack to Brian's other posts. And a big thank you for his great lesson in Church history! I learned a lot reading it and plan to go back and really study it.

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