Thursday, October 16, 2014

See Abbey Roads: To be honest ... I'm sad.

Abbey Roads: To be honest ... I'm sad.

I am always edified by Terry Nelson's posts. This one is poignant and made me share in his sadness. Those struggling with sinful inclinations have a right to the truth. All of us have them whether our inclination is to drugs, sex, alcohol, gossip, etc. The suffering of those with same-sex attraction is particularly sad because it makes contracting a marriage and having a family difficult or impossible. The suffering of these souls needs, not only to be acknowledged but, to be supported by the shepherds. What has happened instead? Once again the wolves in the Church are scattering the sheep in confusion.

Can you choose an act of penance today to help our brothers and sisters suffering (yes suffering!) from same-sex attraction to resist the siren call of the false Synod being manipulated by homosexualist clergy? And please offer a rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy as well.


  1. Fr. Check is a wonderful, orthodox and dedicated priest!

  2. While walking and praying (I'm not certain of it's name) the Seven Sorrowful Mysterys of the Virgin Mother, a depth of awareness of the Blessed Virgin Mary's intense sorrow of this moment in time by those desacrating Christ's Bride, the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church...I, too, am honestly sad. When we pray our evening family rosary, I am ashamed of the blasphemies occurring at the Vatican. I would shield our Lord if possible and drive out those mocking and perverting His teachings...particularly those who have sided with the diabolical and have zero concern for the salvation of souls. I, too, am sad.

    Come Holy Ghost!

  3. Beautifully said, Mariann -- thank you. I think in these trying days we all need to imitate Jesus as the "Man of sorrows." On this feast of St. Margaret Mary, may we all try to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
