Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's Time to Boot Fr. Mike Tegeder

Tevlin: Controversial priest's visit exposes rift in Catholic Church

When a priest publicly defies his bishop and essentially ridicules him in the media isn't it time to give him a disciplinary boot in the hindquarters? That's what Fr. Mike Tegeder needs and let's pray Archbishop John Nienstedt obliges.

Two weeks ago, the Catholic Media Coalition, a group of bloggers, writers, and Catholic organizations around the country, sent the archbishop a letter informing him of the upcoming event with the heretical Irish priest, Tony Flannery, who is also defying his bishop since he was "silenced."

These priests put their hands between their bishops' hands on ordination day and vowed to be obedient to them, but they have their own agenda - to "reform" the Church. And it's the same "reformation" Martin Luther wanted. We all know how that ended up.

So please pray that Archbishop Nienstedt will finally rein in this renegade pastor who is leading his people off the cliff. I've blogged about Fr. Tegeder before here and here.

And here's the letter we sent to the Archbishop. Can you pray a rosary for him today through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles? She is our 12-star general as Fr. Norman Weslin used to say.

"Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array."

                                                                                                            Catholic Media Coalition
                                                                                                            1216 Mill Rd.
                                                                                                            Woodstock, VA 22664

Most Rev. John Nienstedt
Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis
226 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Your Excellency:
Thank you for your faithfulness to Holy Mother Church. As orthodox Catholics, the members of the Catholic Media Coalition have been edified by your courageous actions supporting the sanctity of marriage. We also realize that such actions make clergy and laity alike targets of the radical gay movement and the many dissent groups in the Church. It is impossible to be unaware of the assaults you face personally for your stalwart defense of Catholic doctrine. Thank you for not flinching under the relentless persecution. Be assured of our continued prayers.
The reason I’m writing is that I received an email yesterday from the American Catholic Council about a Catholic Tipping Point Tour featuring dissident Irish priest, Fr. Tony Flannery who is a Redemptorist silenced because of his refusal to affirm Catholic doctrine. The Tour is being organized by a number of notorious dissent groups explicitly identified in the email (which I have attached). Here is the listing from that document:
Fr. Flannery's tour is sponsored by American Catholic Council, Call to Action, Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, Catholics United, CORPUS, DignityUSA, FutureChurch, National Coalition of American Nuns, New Ways Ministry, Quixote Center and Women's Ordination Conference.

You no doubt are aware that a number of these groups are funded by atheist George Soros and his Open Society Institute.  Those connections are documented at .
The Tour website ( includes this information about Fr. Tony:
Fr.Tony has been ordered to remain silent and forbidden to minister as a priest because of his refusal to sign a document that violates his conscience: namely that women cannot be priests and that he accepts all Church stances on contraception, homosexuality, and refusal of the sacraments to people in second relationships. After a year during which he attempted to come to
some accommodation with the Vatican without success, he has decided to take a public stance on the need for reform in the Church.

The tour includes stops in 18 U.S. cities meeting almost exclusively at Protestant churches and secular sites. There is one exception, however. Fr. Flannery is scheduled to speak November 5th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church in Minneapolis. A few days later he will address the Call to Action (CTA) Convention in Memphis. The egregious dissent of CTA is well documented.
I doubt you are aware of the event at St. Frances Cabrini which is clearly intended to substitute an alternate gospel from the one preached by Jesus. There is so much confusion these days and many families, as you well know, don’t understand the beauty and freedom offered by Church teaching especially on sexual morality. Such a deliberate assault on the faith can only add to that confusion. It is sad, indeed, to see Fr. Tegeder, whom I, regretfully, can only describe as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, supporting the tour and encouraging his flock to join the dissent.
Your Excellency, please prevent this scandalous event from taking place in your archdiocese. It is distressing to think of “Fr. Tony” and Fr. Tegeder thumbing their noses at the bride of Christ within a stone’s throw of our Blessed Lord.
Thank you again for your vigilance as a guardian and teacher of the faith. And be assured of our continued prayers for your ministry to the people of God in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
                                                                                    Sincerely in Christ, 
                                                                                     Mary Ann Kreitzer
                                                                            President, Catholic Media Coalition 
Janet Baker, Restore D.C. Catholicism, Washington, D.C.
Mary Boud, Catholic Allies in Truth, Cheyenne, WY
Mary Ann Kreitzer, Les Femmes, Diocese of Arlington
Georgene Sorenson, Romans in the Desert, Diocese of Tucson
Valerie Lubitz, Los Pequenos de Cristo, Archdiocese of Sante Fe
Stephanie Block, author and expert on Alinsky organizing
James Fritz, Defenders of the Faith, Diocese of Wheeling
Jack Ames, Defend Life, Archdiocese of Baltimore
Nancy Kokstis, Deo Gratias, Diocese of Superior
Kenneth Fisher, Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Anaheim, CA
Susan Matthieson, Orlando Truth
Alice Grayson, Veil of Innocence Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Massachusetts
Carolyn Wendell VOCAL (Voice of Catholics Advocating Life) Archdiocese of Portland


  1. How are things working out for Archbishop Neinschtad? Haven't seen him lately. I understand he was aiding and abetting a child molester. Doesn't seem like a man of the cloth would do that, hey?

    Fr. Tegeder continues to minister to two congregations, despite suffering from terminal cancer. (And why does he have to minster to two congregations? Cannot the Catholic Church recruit enough new priests to the clergy?)

  2. I'll pray for Fr. Tegeder. Suffering and facing the reality of death is often a blessing. As a cancer survivor myself I remember how facing the imminent possibility of death focused my mind on the four last things. Thanks be to God my cancer hadn't spread and I lived to see my three-year-old and all her older siblings grow up and start families of their own.

  3. Archbishop Neinschtad resigned rather suddenly and there is now a new Archbishop. He had promised to cooperate with authorities and then would either stall or block everything. One would think an Archbishop would keep his word.

    As for Mike Tegeder, he entered hospice on June 25. It just breaks my heart - he worked very hard for disenfranchised people, he is kind and caring with his only agenda being to help and foster justice. It's too bad the Archbishop fought him most every step of the way.

  4. Fr Mike Tegeder died on Saturday, July 9, 2016, in hospice. He was retired by Archbishop Hebda on July 1, 2016. RIP, Fr Mike.
