Saturday, November 22, 2014

Makes Me Want to Move to Nebraska - Thank You, Bishop Conley!

Lincoln Diocese to Offer Mass ad orientem at the cathedral during Lent

Read Bishop Conley's Column Here's just a bit:
Since ancient times, Christians have faced the east during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to remember to keep watch for Christ. Together, the priest and the people faced the east, waiting and watching for Christ. Even in Churches that did not face the east, the priest and people stood together in the Mass, gazing at Christ on the crucifix, on the altar, and in the tabernacle, to recall the importance of watching for his return. The symbolism of the priest and people facing ad orientem—to the east—is an ancient reminder of the coming of Christ.
Send Bishop Conley an email saying thank you. Or you can post a comment on the article.

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