Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Bishops are Meeting in Baltimore: Think They'll Reform CCHD?

Not a chance!

I hope you are praying for the bishops. You can watch the proceedings live at EWTN. I'm listening right now and they are talking about money. (I don't think they plan to take up a collection from the bishops, but maybe the media covering the meeting.)

The conversation got me thinking about the collections they do take up among the faithful, like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection scheduled in the next few weeks.
I'm working on a press release about the collection which funnels buckets of money into Alinskyian organizing groups that agitate for a leftwing agenda. Don't give and encourage your friends to boycott the collection as well. Nothing has changed despite CCHD's continuous mantra that they are reforming. They aren't, they haven't, and 50% of grants in 2013-2014 supported Alinskyian groups.

Give to groups that really help the poor; groups you KNOW won't directly cooperate with evil. I wrote about this in 2009 and NOTHING HAS CHANGED. If anything, the situation is worse. So hold onto your wallet and give your donation to a local crisis pregnancy center or another charitable group about which you are absolutely sure. The bishops inaction in forcing CCHD's reform is one more reason Catholics do not trust their bishops. The mistrust is well-founded.  The YouTube video below, while a few years old, is still entirely on target. CMC  made it in 2009, but it continues to be relevant today. The acorn reference at the end is outdated. Once the scandal of that group emerged, the bishops ran in the opposite direction as quickly as they could. But it didn't change their support for similar groups. How about dropping an article on the evil of CCHD in the basket this year. Just do a search on CCHD in the search engine at the top of the page and take your pick!

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