Monday, December 1, 2014

So...what are you doing for Advent?

I've decided to deactivate my Facebook account until after Christmas. I find it disheartening. So often it causes squabbles and misunderstandings. There's enough of that in life from face-to-face encounters. Who needs social media that acts like fertilizer for dissension.

At any rate, I want to focus on the star and its hope. So talk to me here. You won't see me on Facebook for awhile. I'm calling it Facebook abstinence.


  1. What are we (as a family)"doing for Advent"?

    We are trying to hold on to our sanity, Mary Ann. With three big medical bills for a homeschooling family on one income (and recently having all of my overtime cut) it is tough.

    We get to Holy Mass as often as we can, we pray the rosary together, we have one hour of adoration with the Rosary together, confession one a month, Advent candles every night with meditation, etc., etc.

    Yet, no matter how we try, we still get whopped over and again.

    I'll rhetorically ask again: what are we "doing for Advent"? We just keep on keeping on... by the grace of God.

    Catechist Kev

  2. I'm reading the sections of the Mystical City of God that begin with Blessed Mother's preparation for the Annunciation (she was shown the mysteries of creation! among other things) through the birth and presentation of Jesus. How did the conception take place? "...Her chaste heart, generally compressed by the ardor of its motions and of her affection, distilled three drops of blood, which fell into her virginal womb. Of these the Holy Ghost formed the little body of our Saviour, so that, by the force of divine love, the most pure heart of Mary alone furnished that from which was formed the divine body of the Son of God......

  3. I completely erased my Facebook account last January, for the same reasons you mentioned. It was tough; I won't lie. It was also a decision that ultimately freed me. Take the time to pray and ask God if leaving permanently is that right thing for you! God Bless you!

  4. So sorry you are having to struggle so hard, Kevin. I'm offering my rosary for you and your family. So many people I know are struggling. But there is certainly an example to your children in "keeping the grace of God." May God especially give you all hope and joy.

  5. Thank you for sharing your experience with Facebook, Steven. I'm seriously thinking about permanently deleting my account too. I've seen it cause a lot of family fights. On the other hand, I would miss a lot of photos of my sweet grandchildren.

  6. Dear Mary Ann,

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers. :^)

    I should take heed of one of Fr. John Hardon's favorite sayings, "If you want to get to heaven never complain. Even inwardly."

    We'll be fine. I am a natural born worry-wart. Always have been and probably always will be. However, I can tell you this, ever since my reversion/conversion experience some 17 years ago the Lord has given me and my family *plenty* of graces to get past this curse.

    Our blessed Lord has *always* been good to us. We'll just continue trust in Him.

    God love you, Mary Ann. I visit your blog daily. :^)

    Catechist Kev
