Tuesday, March 17, 2015

All Are Welcome, Right? God Forgive Cardinal Dolan

St. Patrick, pray for him.

Mike Voris' video reminds me of the way pro-lifers have always been treated when protesting pro-abort politicians or especially when trying to save babies from abortion. Expect a metaphorical shiv in the ribs or sometimes literal violence like Operation Rescue participants experienced in Los Angeles, Portland, and Pittsburgh.

But to be treated this way by Cardinal Dolan's handlers? Well...what can one say? It's a scandal. But I'm sure Cardinal Dolan had a "whale o' a time" as the Irish say yucking it up while gay activists advanced their agenda of normalization another giant step.

One backwards step for the faith, one giant leap for the gay agenda. What a way to honor St. Patrick, eh?


  1. Is there no rebuke from the Vatican on this?

  2. Yep. The Church of nice ain't so nice after all.

    I'm trying to keep my cool. I'll make a point of checking for follow up stories with the hope and prayer that there has been some mistake or error.
    Not the least of which are my own bias.

    Thanks for posting.

  3. Rebuke from the Vatican? Wouldn't that be refreshing, but those rebukes appear to be saved for "rigid" traditionalists.
