Thursday, March 26, 2015

Do You Worship the God of Truth or the God of Nice?

Is being "nice" an idol in your life? Do you go along with lies because you are afraid of offending somebody? Do you smother the truth to avoid criticism?

We are called to respect the dignity of every human person, but sometimes that requires us to state a truth in charity that will certainly offend somebody. To say, "What you are doing is wrong," may offend the person who wants to be affirmed in sin, but it is certainly the charitable way when someone is teetering on the brink of hell.

Be kind to everybody -- but love people enough to speak the truth in charity even when a person will accuse you of not being "nice," in fact, of being "mean." It is anything but mean to save somebody from careening over the abyss into the everlasting fires of hell.

Pray and sacrifice for sinners. As little Jacinta said after the Fatima apparition of hell, "We must pray for poor sinners" who, as the Blessed Mother told the children, are falling into hell like snowflakes.

1 comment:

  1. We are truly living the Third Secret and we must make concerted efforts to offer all our works ,joys, and sufferings in reparation for our sins and the sins of the world......wear the brown scapular, daily consecration to the Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sweet Sacred Heart of Jesus, daily rosary as many as our state in life allows.....and much more...and we truly must pray for the Pope to Consecrate Russia with all the bishops on the same day to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to the humble requests of Our Queen.......when this humble request is implemented we will see miracles...heaven does not lie and nothing is impossible to God.
