Thursday, March 12, 2015

Latest Episode in the K of C Norfolk St. Patrick's Day Soap Opera

Statement of the Virginia State Council of the Knights of Columbus regarding the Norfolk St. Patrick’s Day Parade:

The Virginia State Council of the Knights of Columbus reaffirms the longstanding policy of the Knights of Columbus not to invite or bestow honors on public officials who do not support the legal protection of unborn children. This policy is based firmly on the position of the United States Council (Sic.) of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The State Council deeply regrets the violation of this policy by a council in Norfolk for its St. Patrick’s Day Parade. We are conducting an investigation to determine how and why this occurred, and we will ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future. 

No investigation is needed. Here's exactly how it happened.
Someone at the Norfolk council introduced a resolution to invite Terry McAuliffe to be the Grand Marshal of the parade and the council voted for it. No doubt a minority opposed the measure but we're betting the liberal Democrats in the group had the numbers to carry the day.Then the Grand Knight didn't put the kibosh on the proposal despite it violating the knights' own policies. 

And there you have it, boys and girls.

And when State found out, in typical wimp style, they started wringing their hands and whining that they couldn't do anything about it. To be fair, National has made it very difficult for state and local groups to do anything. 

As far as the statement from the State Council is concerned, that no doubt came about because of the letter released by the two Virginia bishops. Nothing like finding a little backbone and lining up behind your bishops after you know how they'll respond.

I suspect this isn't over by a long shot.

The K of C Virginia state convention is May 1-3 in Richmond. It's too late for any councils to introduce resolutions, but I expect there will be a lot of discussion about the Norfolk event, and the scandal may give new impetus to a resolution being introduced asking National to back the actions of local councils to discipline errant knights and provide guidelines on how that should be done.

The resolution has been introduced before and voted down. It may go nowhere AGAIN, but the Norfolk council's disgraceful action has turned up the heat. Wish I could be there to witness the discussion.

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