Friday, March 6, 2015

Support Archbishop Cordileone with your prayers

We need to make sure the good guys know we support them and are praying for them. Join Catholic Vote's prayer project. You can read their thank-you letter to Archbishop Corileone and sign it by going here. So far over 35,000 Catholics have signed the letter. Let's make sure the PR attack against the archbishop in San Francisco doesn't get the last word.

And while you're at it, why not send an email to the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano at

Here's my letter to the nuncio:

Your Excellency,
My dad, an admiral in the United States Navy, always used to say that if you like what someone is doing tell his boss. So that’s what I’m doing.
As a mom of five and grandmother of twenty-three, I am especially grateful to Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco for his defense of the faith in Catholic Schools. So many children are losing the faith because of public scandals and poor catechesis. The archbishop’s move to ensure that only Catholic doctrine is taught in the schools is simply Catholic common senses. That teachers would object to agreeing not to undermine the faith publicly and teach in opposition is ludicrous. If they can’t agree to that they should not be teaching in Catholic schools!
Children are the future of the Church. But how can they evangelize and defend the faith if those in authority undermine the very beliefs that anchor them to the Rock of Peter.
Please extend to the Holy Father, the sincere appreciation of the people of God for the service of Archbishop Cordileone. I wish all the dioceses of the United States had such faithful sons of the Church to teach, govern, and sanctify.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mary Ann Kreitzer
President, Catholic Media Coalition


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