Saturday, April 18, 2015

Back to (Quiet) Normal -- After a Memory-Making Week

As you may have noticed by my posts today, all our grandchildren have gone home and we are back to our (too) quiet normal. We waved off our Pittsburgh family early this afternoon. This evening I wanted to post the photos of our princess (and little prince) tea party. If you'd like to see them visit Camp Kreitzer. 

Family times are sacred times. We pray together and play together, and, as parents and grandparents, we create memories. Hopefully they are happy ones. When I read about children who are abused and neglected I want even more to embrace my grandchildren and create for them and for my children and their spouses joyful times with family.

We moved around so much when I was a child and our relatives lived so far away that I had almost no relationship with any of my cousins or my grandparents. I don't want that to be the case for our grandchildren. And so, when they visit Camp Kreitzer, we consider it memory-making time. I think this summer we will buy some extra bee veils so the next time our grandchildren visit we can give them the memory of "playing" with the bees.

And speaking of memories, our oldest (We call her "Julie" after the Love Boat activity director because she always thinks of great activities during family gatherings.) on Easter separated us all into groups (adults and children mixed) and we had to come up with questions to ask our partners and then report back. Some shared what they like best about Camp Kreitzer, some asked what super power you'd choose if you could. The questions and answers were serious, funny, and imaginative and we all learned a little more about each other. It was great fun! Thanks, Alice.

And after we were done we all said night prayers together with everyone articulating what they were thankful for. I am certainly thankful for our five children, their spouses and our 23 grandchildren living and the six little angels in heaven. God has certainly richly fulfilled the blessing of the marriage covenant that we might see our children and our children's children. Thank you, Lord.

What memories are you making with your children or grandchildren this week?


  1. I just checked out Camp K for the first time. Wow! What a lovely home and lovely family - I'm so happy for you. You are so blessed! I think you know that though - which is why you are such a blessing to others. God bless!


  2. I am blessed, incredibly blessed, in both my family and my friends -- both those I have the privilege of knowing personally and those I have met online. And I hope you're right about my being a blessing to others. Sometimes I'm afraid I'm more of a penance for them.
