Sunday, May 31, 2015

Praise the Holy Trinity!

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, let us sing for joy! The organ is the proper instrument for raising our hearts and minds to God and these videos show exactly why.


  1. Hmmm - what do we do with this verse from Psalm 149:3 -

    "Let them praise his name with dancing

    and make music to him with timbrel and harp."

    I guess we need to throw that one out. After all, Our Lord rejects all instruments except the organ. But what did the Church use before the organ came into use in the 10th to 12th centuries? And what about churches that were/are too poor to afford organs? Are they not allowed to praise God because He won't accept anything but the organ? And what about the Orthodox churches which don't use the organ? Does God not listen to them? We sure do have a fussy God.

  2. "The principal musical instrument for solemn liturgical ceremonies of the Latin Church has been and remains the classic pipe organ." Instruction on Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Congregation for Rites - September 3, 1958

    "The pipe organ is to be held in high esteem in the Latin Church, since it is its traditional instrument, the sound of which can add a wonderful splendor to the Church's ceremonies and powerfully lift up men's minds to God and higher things." Vatican II Instruction on Music in the Liturgy

    I don't recall saying no other instruments may be used. I was simply praising the organ -- as the Church does.

    Your antagonism toward me is showing, Mary. But I wish you well. (Tambourine flourish!)

  3. BTW Church documents also have a lot to say in praise of Gregorian Chant which was common before the use of the organ. But like the priest who wrote Silent Night for Christmas after the mouse damaged the organ, I'm all for anything that is used appropriately and done beautifully and treats the liturgy with respect -- rather than like a cabaret or rock concert.

  4. Mary Ann - I have very high respect for you as a wife, mother and grandmother. You and your husband seemed to have raised a truly beautiful family and instilled very good values in them that they are passing on to their own families. However, I do disagree with your approach to spreading the Gospel to the world. And I think this small post is indicative.

    I personally prefer the organ when it comes to liturgy. I think it is a magnificent instrument and truly creates a feeling of respect and awe. I also love Gregorian chant. But when you say that the organ is the "proper" instrument to use, you are imposing your own feelings and opinions on others, and telling them that if they don't agree with you, they are wrong. Of course the Church believes the organ should be held in high esteem. But that doesn't mean that you can't worship God with just as much reverence and awe without it. Go on Youtube and look at the way African churches celebrate the Mass. It is probably not to your liking (nor to mine), but who are we to say that it isn't "appropriate" or "done beautifully"? A typical African Mass lasts a couple of hours, and the people celebrate with much joy and exuberance.

    The Church belongs to all people, not just Europeans (which is where the organ comes from). As St. Thérèse of Lisieux said, “The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of it’s scent nor the daisy of its simple charm. If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness.”

    Think about what that means.

  5. Well, perhaps we are talking apples and oranges. I wasn't addressing the Church in Africa but in the U.S. where rock bands are common and the piano is often used in cabaret style at Mass.

    You expanded my comments to the whole world which was not what I meant. I have attended family retreats at campgrounds where the only instruments available were guitars. I have no problem with that. What I don't understand is a church with a beautiful pipe organ and a person obviously qualified to play it who chooses to use the piano instead.
