Tuesday, May 5, 2015

To Think This Violation of Religious Liberty Happened in My Own Back Yard!

Protestant Church Faces Criminal Charges for Its Pro-life Signs

You can post your business's banner or flag. You can post your charity's logo. But the Harrisonburg government discriminated against the pro-life content of Valley Church of Christ's picture of hands holding a precious baby with Mother Teresa's quote: "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”

Well, it's also a poverty that little Boss Hogs think they can trample the Constitution because they don't like certain messages. It's kind of ironic because this area is conservative. Ah, but that doesn't stop the Christian bashers.

If I were the pastor of that church I would be inclined to hold a GAP (Genocide Awareness Project) display on the property. Now wouldn't that make the little despots in Harrisonburg upset?


  1. Thanks for the free publicity! ;-) Next time we're at JMU for GAP, you can be sure we'll be reaching out to this awesome pro-life church!

  2. Hi Maggie,

    You know I love GAP. Next time you're in the area invite me to come and join the team! It's been a long time since I was on the front lines, but I think I still remember how to keep my cool.
