Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sometimes you just gotta laugh at the ridiculousness of the liberal mind....

....that gushes over the courage and inspiration of Bruce Jenner for letting out his inner woman....

but excoriates Rachel Dolezal for "pretending" to be black.

How come a man pretending to be a woman is brave and garners all kinds of positive, no, idolizing press, but a woman pretending to be black is described as "faking" and "lying?" Hey, isn't it all about feelings today? Bruce Jenner is a man who "feeeeeeels" like a woman. Chastity Bono is a woman who "feeeeeels" like a man. Why can't Rachel Dolezal be a white woman who "feeeeeels" black.

Why can't I be whatever I "feeeeel?" I think I'll let out my inner president. I "feeeeel" like the first woman president. Soooooo.....Get out of my house, Obama!

Now here's the reality of feelings. Live in the real world. "I'm a boy, she's a girl and this is the world....The feeling may be fleeting, here one second and then it's gone, gone, gone."


  1. When we are kids it's called pretending. When we become adults it's called lying.

  2. If I hear or see more thing about Bruce Jenner, I am going to vomit. He is nothing now but a mutilated man with a whole lot of makeup on in airbrushed pictures; pumped full of estrogen, which should not even be in his body, and fake breasts because he never had any. The "doctor" who did this to him, in saner times, would be in prison. And all the liars out there expect the rest of us to go along with the lie.

  3. I know what you mean, Anonymous. But the left will shove Jenner and all the other sickos down our throat. Every time I read a national media outlet there's a huge homosexual story. Good grief...they represent at most 3% of the population, but they garner an incredible percentage of news and human interest stories. No wonder people think they represent 25% or more of the population. could it be that error is being driven by the media coverage? Duh!

  4. That video took three minutes of my life away and I demand them back.

    I was expecting it to end with some sort of humor (e.g. making fun of people who actually write three minute songs and videos for nonsense), but nope, that was it. That was a serious video. Sigh.

    Eh. I'd have wasted those three minutes watching kitty and puppy videos anyway.

    God Bless!

  5. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the liberal Vatican mind (not to be confused with the Roman Catholic mind") What on earth are you doing with Playboy type covers on your "catholic" blog?

  6. I certainly doubt that Bruce Jenner's ridiculous picture will stir salacious thoughts in anyone's mind, although I did consider whether or not to post it which is why I used the People magazine picture in another post.

    But sometimes the only thing that gets the truth across is portrayal of the ridiculous and there is certainly little more ridiculous than a man pretending to be a woman. Even a white woman pretending to be black can't compare.
