Saturday, July 4, 2015

I Woke Up This Morning Filled With Hope! Let's Reclaim the Rainbow.

No matter what the Supreme Court matter what the Vatican matter what my local bishop matter what Barrack Obama or the Congress or the Democratics and Republicans do...GOD IS STILL GOD!

So, yes, I'm celebrating this INDEPENDENCE DAY. Christians, we are independent through the power of the Holy Spirit. Think of the early Christians. They were free even in prison. They went singing to their deaths knowing that for all the persecution, they were the fortunate ones -- not the mobs screaming for their blood. Think of Maximilian Kolbe at Auschwitz. Who was more enslaved? He and his fellow prisoners or his captors locked up in hate, enslaved by the devil?

You know what I'm doing today? My husband and I are going to Mass to thank God for this beautiful country that in the past offered so much hope to so many people. We can be that country again. I hope some of our visiting grandchildren will go with us. Then we're going to the dollar store to buy a bunch of patriotic balloons to take to the nursing home. What a joy it will be to have my grandchildren give out the balloons to the residents and staff wishing them all a blessed day. Then we'll stop at Sheetz to buy treats for the kids.

And then....we will celebrate the rest of the day honoring marriage and family with food and fun and fireworks.

As the day closes, we will pray the rosary for our poor country through the intercession of Our Lady of Hope. Being a gloomy Christian never helped anyone. I refuse to give the rainbow, the sign of hope, to those celebrating sodomite marriage. I reclaim it as the sign of the covenant with Abraham. God promised his descendants would be like the sands on the seashore. Christians, let's get busy changing this sinful world starting by reclaiming our own families and neighborhoods.

Our Lady of Hope, pray for us!


  1. The rainbow was never so abused than under homosexuals considering that God had Noah stock the ark with Male and Female of each type of animal.

  2. I thought this was a good article re the hijacking of the rainbow:
    God bless,
