Friday, August 14, 2015

Four and Counting: Arkansas Becomes Fourth State to Defund Planned Parenthood

Through the intercession of Our Lady, we can fight the devil!
From LifeSiteNews Let's start praying for number five!

But the minions of death won't take this lying down.  Obama is threatening states.  He kisses up to Cecile Richards and says, "God bless you," to an organization that essentially pimps women to the baby body part industry.

But what an interesting scenario with the feds and the states in a clash over the new slavery. Remember, slaves were the "property" of their owners. Babies are the "property" of their mothers and, apparently, of the Planned Parenthood body snatchers. Let's see how this new war between a Leviathan federal government and the states turns out.

Bobby Jindal says he won't back down. Let's see who blinks first.

Meanwhile, Stem Express has thrown Planned Parenthood under the bus and is cutting its ties to the abortion giant. Looks like a case of the rats abandoning a sinking ship. I sure pray so.

Stay tuned. This all makes me think of the statue of Our Lady of Grace standing on the snake. Mary's intercession is crucial to the defeat of the devil and his minions at Planned Parenthood. The abortionist is like a snake handler and his instruments are like snakes. He uses his dilators and suction tube to commit a technological rape of the woman and murder the little one she carries. Pray for Mary's intercession to crush the snakes and the handlers. She and her Son share the same holy agenda -- to save souls from the devil. And Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest blood-lusting devils on the planet. People are starting to realize the truth about how evil it is. Now is the time to multiply your rosaries and prayers to Our Lady. "O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

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