Saturday, October 3, 2015

Davis and Grassi: Spinning the News at the Vatican Press Office

Hilary White has a terrific article about the pope's meeting with Kim Davis, the evil clerk who refuses marriage licenses to a same-sex couples, and the pope's homosexual former student and friend, Yayo Grassi. Read it. If nothing else, it reveals the absolute nonsense at the Vatican press office. We think that helps explain the statement that the "smoke of Satan" has entered the Church. Obviously, from the junk coming out of the press office, they are smoking something!

It's interesting that Fr. Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, issued a statement distancing the pope from Kim Davis but not from the two "gay" guys. Grassi released the video of the meeting and is making hay over the pope's "hug." No such video of the Kim Davis meeting has appeared on the internet. But that hasn't kept the media from speculating that Davis "used the pope" to advance her cause. Not so Grassi, eh?. Hmmmm.... Joe and Kim Davis appear to have respected the private nature of the meeting and do not appear to have had an agenda other than to meet the pope and ask for prayers. Can one say the same thing about Grassi using his relationship with the pope to advance the LGBTQ agenda?

Reuters tells us there's a "sense of regret" at the Vatican over the meeting with Davis, but apparently the Grassi meeting which was all happy-clappy was fine and the video going viral doesn't bother the press office at all. (Personally, I expect it is welcomed by those "rigging" the synod on the family which starts tomorrow.)  Fr. Tom Rosica, another Vatican spokesman and himself a controversial figure due to his threatened lawsuit of a Canadian blogger, also put his opinion into the mix. The meeting with Davis didn't mean anything and it was the Americans at the Nunciature who were to blame for it. As for Grassi? The silence from Lombardi and Rosica speaks volumes!

My goodness but watching the Vatican press office spinning and tap dancing is amusing -- just as long as you don't take anything they say seriously and recognize whose side they're on.

Hope you have joined the novena for the Synod!


  1. Honestly, I know I must pray and sacrifice, but all this....all this, just makes me cry... I realize that my own sins are to blame for this horrible mess, but.... It's just so so very sad. Please, Jesus, Blessed Mother, have mercy on us and on your Church and do not let us lose hope.

  2. This setup seems similar to the homosex couple who were denied a catered wedding by the pizzeria, and so went and picked up pizza from the same outfit, served it at their "wedding" and then claimed the pizzeria catered their wedding! Posted a rather toddlerish video exposing their brave pizza pickup.
